Thursday, May 20, 2021

FREE help filing your taxes!

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Every year, many of us have to file a yearly tax report with the Israel Tax Authority.

Many, many people pay an accountant to handle this report, but did you know that in some cases you can also get FREE help?

Here's the deal:

The Israel Tax Authority runs Free Clinics for Atzma'im with income from self employment up to 60,000 NIS using Form 137, and other people who need to file a tax report using Form 1301.

Find this help HERE:

Every Regional Tax Office (except Eilat and Tel Aviv - details below), until June 30, 2021, Sunday - Thursday from 1pm - 6:00pm. Some offices may be closed on certain days of the week. I recommend calling before you go to verify they are open!

In Eilat, the clinic will be available only on Mondays and Wednesdays.
In the Sharon area, this service is available only in Kfar Sava. In Ashdod and Rishon Letzion the clinic is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-6pm.

In Tel Aviv, there is a special Resource Center dedicated just to this service, and it will remain open until July 29, 2021. Find it at Rechov Shefa Tal 12, Tel Aviv.

NOTE: The Tax Authority is not offering assistance with other issues at these clinics. They are ONLY for getting help filing your yearly tax report (only forms 1301 and 137).

Good luck, and don't wait to do your taxes! Better just to get it done with, right?