Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Vegan Chocolate Chip Squares

I baked some cookies. I mean cookie bars. Chocolate chip squares. Whatever name you prefer.

The kind of thing you bake when you need cookies around the house but you don't have any intention of actually taking the time to shape cookies...

Do I need an excuse about why? I don't think I do! After all, we all have the same excuse. It's the middle of a global pandemic. I needed cheering up. There were no snacks on hand.

See, I have plenty of excuses!

Anyhow I just wanted to share some virtual cookies with all of you!


These are vegan.


2 T. chia seed, soaked in 2/3 cup water
1/2 cup oil
1.5 cups demarrara sugar (what I had on hand, use the sugar you prefer)
splash of vanilla extract
2 cups white spelt flour
dash of salt
1 tsp baking soda

1/2 bag mini chocolate chips

I mixed it all together in a big bowl, chocolate chips at the end, and spread it out on a large cookie sheet.

Baked at 180 C for about 20 minutes, it could have been a bit more. 
I'm really not a scientist, sorry.

Cut into squares, and eat them... probably best to share them with your family! 

(Great with coffee!)

Catch ya later!

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