Thursday, June 11, 2020

Deal: Master Slicer!

(this post contains affiliate links. When you click and make a purchase, I may get paid a commission. Thanks in advance for your support)

Shop from Home!

Currently, we're (at least my household) is trying to avoid going to crowded places. You know how a pandemic can do that, right? So that means I've been shopping from home as much as possible, so I can stay out of stores. I like fresh air, so I'm all for going outside, but I don't like the idea of being inside a closed building with lots of other people right now, from a world-health sort of perspective.

SO I figured I should share some of my favorite deals! Earlier I shared a great olive oil deal, and now I found a deal for making salad prep SO MUCH EASIER!

This Master Slicer is such a handy tool, we love ours!
This deal gets you one for 99.90, or two for 197.90 - either way, Boxit shipping is 15.90. Plus you'll get a free vegetable peeler with your order.
(This is cheaper shipping than when I bought it, by the way, and I didn't get the peeler!)

Click here to go to GROO to buy this deal! This deal won't last, though - so if you want it, you've got to grab it TODAY!

I just stocked up and now I am set for a while with all the olive oil I could possibly want! 

(And you might know that I use olive oil a lot. It's my preferred oil for salads and even cooking!)

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