Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Those RED labels at the supermarket

About 3 years ago, I wrote about new food labels that would be coming soon. 

A year later, the Ministry of Health unveiled the plan to label foods that are high in saturated fat, salt, or sugar, and now, in 2020, we are starting to see the labels on products at the supermarket!

The red labels are designed to make it easier to see at a glance which foods are considered high in sugar, salt, or saturated fats.

Here's a quick guide to what having a label indicates to the consumer:

in 100g (solid food)
in 100ml (liquids)
more than 400mg
more than 100mg
more than 10g   
more than 5g
Saturated Fat 
more than 4g
more than 3g

The new labels are the front of food packaging and look like this:

Hope this helps people - reading labels in Hebrew can be a challenge for some, so this should make the job a bit easier!

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