Monday, November 11, 2019

Free Shipping to Israel from Amazon!

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 Click here to shop Amazon's Free Shipping to Israel collection!

Amazon announced a free shipping deal this morning, and I just had to share! I actually really love the convenience of Amazon shopping - I always know up front whether I'm going to have to pay any additional fees upon arrival, because Amazon calculates it all for you before you check out. 

So - as long as your order doesn't exceed $75, you shouldn't have to pay anything extra. If it does exceed $75, Amazon will tell you BEFORE you pay exactly how much more to pay. And they will refund you the extra if they overcharge! It's the best!

So go ahead, order some of those things on your wishlist. It's the right day! Click here to go to Amazon's free shipping to Israel page!


  1. I believe you got it backwards - the order has to be at least $75. That is the minimum for free shipping..

  2. Thank you- this is so good to know. I sometimes want to send a gift to Israel but the shipping makes me think twice!

    1. lately, shipping from amazon to israel has been more and more affordable. But nothing beats free!


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