NOTE: This list was UPDATED on Monday, May 6.
Thursday, May 9, 2019 is Yom Ha'Atzmaut, and this year, in honor of 71 yrs of the State of Israel, more than 71 attractions around the country will open to the public at no charge.
The list on this page represents many hours of work translating and researching, and I request that if you want to share this information, you link to this blog post. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
If you need wheels for Yom Ha'atzmaut, check out this great deal for just 71nis for the day!
Go thru this who list - find a place you've never gone to, and go have fun! In past years we've gone to museums that were free on Yom Haatzmaut, and they was almost completely empty. I think many Israelis prefer their mangal in the park and sitting in traffic. I prefer free admission!
I'm sure there are other places that are offering free programs or free admission, that I haven't heard of, so please add information for other places in the comments, or send a note to ester@kosherfrugal.com and I'll add it in! Thank you.
I have tried, wherever possible, to link to websites in English. If you find a broken or incorrect link, please email me at ester@kosherfrugal.com so I can take care of it! Thanks!
Have a wonderful Yom Ha'atzmaut. May it bring us closer to the Geulah Sh'laymah!
Be sure to find me on Facebook and stay up to date about great Israeli free and frugal living ideas!
Yad LaIsha HaLochemet in Nitzanim - guided tours 9 am - 1 pm. 08-6727895
The Open Museum in Negba - 050-55605540
From Holocaust to Revival Museum in Yad Mordechai - 08-6720599 , 052-3923104
Ben Gurion's Hut (Sde Boker) - open 10 am to 4 pm. Last admission at 3 pm 08-6560469
Maoz opposite Gaza in Kibbutz Saad 052-3726644
The Joe Alon Center for Bedouin Culture at Kibbutz Lahav 08-9913322
The Revivim Museum named for Yosef Weitz. 10 am - 2 pm 08-6562570 \ 08-656263
Beit Ruchama, 9am - 2pm. Reserve by calling 054-7995149
Metzudat Yoav, The Givati Museum 08-6611316
Be'er Sheva ANZAC Memorial Center - 08-6205004
Beersheba Turkish Railway Station (Engine 70414), Open 9-5, sign up in advance for guided tour: 08-6234613
Be'erot BaNegev Visitors Center in Kibbutz Alumim, Open 10-2, advance registration required for guided tours, 08-9937300
Jerusalem Area:
The Old Yishuv Court Museum, 02-6276319, 052-4002478
Ammunition Hill Memorial Site - 02-5829392/3, ext 115
The Yellin House - in Motza - 052-4257345
The Gush Etzion Visitors' Center - in Kfar Etzion. 02-9935160
The Tower of David Museum - 02-6265333 or *2884
The Underground Prisoners Museum in Jerusalem - 10 a.m - 5 pm. 02-6233166
The Shai Agnon House - 02-6716498
Menachem Begin Heritage Center - 02-5652020 02-5652011
Beit Plugat HaKotel/Platoon of the Wall House - reservations required. Call the Begin Center to reserve: 02-5652020 02-5652011
Yad LaShiryon at Latrun - for more info: 08-9784321
Jewish Quarter Tours, at noon and 3pm, from the golden menorah. Call *4987
The Hurva Synagogue - *4987
The Burnt House - *4987
Levi Eshkol House, 9-6, advance registration required. Call 02-6313091
Tel Aviv and the Center:
Palmach Museum - Reservations required. 03-5459800
The Israeli Museum at the Rabin Center - with advance reservations only.*4585 (for ages 10+)
Ben-Gurion House - 03-5221010
The Jabotinsky Museum - open 8 am - 4 pm. 03-5287320 (reservations required for groups of 10, or for groups who need additional assistance due to accessibility issues)
The Joseph Bau House - 054-4301499 (Special programs available for Olim Chadashim and for children)
Rokach House - for more info: 03-5168042 or email info@rokach-house.co.il
Sarona-HaKirya Visitors' Center - 03-604-9634 (you should call to register in advance. Tours on the hour between 10am and 3pm)
The Etzel Museum 03-525-3307
The Hagana Museum - 03-560862
The Lechi Museum - For more info: 03-6820288 or email lehi_museum@mod.gov.il
The Etzel 1948 Museum - open 8:30am - 4:30pm. 03-5177180 , 03-5172044
The Nachum Gutman Museum of Art - open 10am - 3pm. 03-5161970
Bank of Israel Visitors' Center 03-5640781/2 Reservations required (online). For ages 8+. Tours are at 10:00am, 11:30am, 1:00pm, and 2:30pm
The Hosmasa Museum - Holon - 03-5050425 - open 9am - 2pm, guided tours on the hour.
Mikveh Israel Visitors' Center - 03-5030489 Advance registration required. Tours on the hour from 9am to 1pm
The Rishon L'Tzion Museum - open 9 am - 2 pm. 03-9598862, 03-9598890
The Eran Shamir Moshava Museum in Mazkeret Batya - Open 10:30 am - 3:30 pm 08-9349525
Ayalon Institute, (Bullet Factory) Rechovot - Open 9 am - 4 pm. Last guided tour (special Yom Ha'Atzmaut tour) at 3 pm (tours in Hebrew only!). Advance reservations required. 08-9406552
Netanya Museum, Open 9:00am - 2:00pm, 09-8840020. Reservations required.
HaG'dudim Museum, Moshav Avichayil. Open 9-4 09-8822212
The North and Northern Coast:
Beit HaShomer Museum, Kfar Giladi - 04-6941565 open 8am - 4pm
Tel Hai Courtyard - 10 am - 2 pm - 04-6951333
Beit Zinati, Pekiin - 04-9997197 open 9 am - 2pm, Reservations required.
HaReut Museum, Koach Fortress - 04-6432810. Open 10am - 4pm, tours on the hour. movie for ages 12+
The Restored Pioneer Village at Rosh Pinah, open 10am - 2pm, 04-6936913
Beit HaMeiri, Tzfat - 04-6921939, open 10am - 2pm. Guided Tours require advance registration. last tour at 1pm
Yigal Alon House at Ginosar - Reservations required for the escape room - 04-6727704/0
The Kinneret Courtyard - guided tours at 10, 12, and 2. 04-6709117
Naharayim Experience in Gesher. Guided tours at 11:00 and 12:30. Open 9 am - 2 pm. 04-6752685
The Palmach Cave at Mishmar Ha'Emek- guided tours on the hour between 10 and 3, and the "Escape Park" competition. 04-9898946 ,052-4471109
The Historic Nahalal Police Station - guided tours at 9 am, 11am, and 1 pm. 04-6415073
The Nahalal "Sliq" - guided tours every hour from 9 am to 3 pm. 052-3347194, advance reservations required.
The Emeq Museum - Kibbutz Yifat. Open 11 am - 4 pm. 04-6548974
The Chaim Shturman House - at Kibbutz Ein Harud. Open 10am - 2pm. 04-6486337 | 04-6486328
The Tower and Stockade Museum at Hanita. Open 9am - 2pm. 04-9859677
The Jezreel Valley Train Museum - Kfar Yehoshua. 04-953-4226 open 8am - 1pm
The Treasures in the Walls Museum, Akko. Open 10 am - 4 pm. 04-991-1004
The Underground Prisoners Museum, Akko. Open 8am - 4:30pm with guided tours on the hour from 9-2). 04-991-1375
Beit Fisher, Kiryat Atta. Open 9am - 2pm. 04-8440207
Atlit Detention Camp, Open 9am - 2pm, 04-984-1980
The Museum of the First Aliyah in Zichron. Open 10 am - 4 pm. 04-6294777 - Reservations required for guided tours
The Khan Museum, Hadera 04-6322330 , 04-6324562 open 10am - 3pm, guided tours at 10, 12, and 2.
The Feinberg House, Hadera - 04-6343296,
The Echad Ha'Am School Visitors' Center, Hadera - 04-6343296
Haifa City Museums:
- The Haifa City Museum. 04-9115888 Open 10am - 7pm
- The Herman Struk Museum 04-9127090 Open 10am - 7pm
- The National Maritime Museum. 04-853662 Open 10am - 7pm
Etzel Museum at Shuni Forest. 052-8330177 Open 9am and 3pm - audiovisual presentation and guided tours on the hour.
Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum, Haifa 04-8537672 open 9am - 4pm
Other FREE and discount attractions and activities:
Army Bases and Public Military Exhibits
The Israel Museum - pay what you want to pay
The Open Museum at Tefen - 04-9109609 (The museum is generally open from 9am - 4pm. Staff takes breaks for lunch from 12:30-13:00, or 13:00 - 13:30)
Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum, Haifa 04-8537672 open 9am - 4pm
Other FREE and discount attractions and activities:
Army Bases and Public Military Exhibits
The Israel Museum - pay what you want to pay
The Open Museum at Tefen - 04-9109609 (The museum is generally open from 9am - 4pm. Staff takes breaks for lunch from 12:30-13:00, or 13:00 - 13:30)
Madatech in Haifa is just 10nis on Yom Ha'Atzmaut!
Bloomfield Science Museum in Jerusalem is just 10nis on Yom Ha'Atzmaut!
HaShomer HaChadash Independence Day Celebration at Moetza Ezorit Sdot Negev - registration required (online) 10am - 5:30pm
I will add more free attractions in this space as I find them!
So, let me know where you'll be going! Just leave a comment below this post. It's a good idea to confirm in advance that the place you plan to go will be open as posted. Some places require advance bookings even if not specified.
Bloomfield Science Museum in Jerusalem is just 10nis on Yom Ha'Atzmaut!
HaShomer HaChadash Independence Day Celebration at Moetza Ezorit Sdot Negev - registration required (online) 10am - 5:30pm
I will add more free attractions in this space as I find them!
So, let me know where you'll be going! Just leave a comment below this post. It's a good idea to confirm in advance that the place you plan to go will be open as posted. Some places require advance bookings even if not specified.
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