One way I get my kids to read is to find magazines they enjoy. They love the "sound byte" effect of short articles with glossy pages that don't require hours and hours to get through, especially with Hebrew reading (as olim, don't we all struggle with enjoying our Hebrew reading sometimes?). With magazines, they can read an article in a short time, put it down, and come back later.
I'm pleased to be able to share a bunch of deals with you that will allow you to check out some magazines for your kids (in Hebrew) for just 10 nis! They're great for rainy winter days!

National Geographic Kids (Hebrew edition), 2 issues for 10nis

Pod Kipod - this magazine is intended for beginning readers. You'll get 2 issues for 10nis, plus a free gift!

Gaolaso (formerly SuperGoal) is a soccer (football) magazine - so if your kids are sports fans, get them reading about what they love! Your trial subscription comes with a poster and those popular cards, too!
Maariv for Children + National Geographic Kids is a great combo deal - you'll get 4 issues of Maariv for Kids and 1 National Geographic for Kids!
If you're trying to get your kids reading more in English, check out this deal - Jerusalem Post Kids!
These deals are only available for delivery to Israeli addresses.
Happy reading!
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