Thursday, September 28, 2017

Mislabeled Baking Powder

Earlier today, Shufersal announced a recall of the following product:

--- Retrieved from ---

Brand: Shufersal
Product Name: Baking Powder (Avakat Afiyah)
Package Size: 10g
Barcode: 7296073115724
Use By Date: 30.9.2019
Batch Code: 17226

The product is being recalled because the packets may have been filled with vanilla sugar instead of baking powder.

If you have purchased this product, please return it to the store where purchased for a refund.

If you opened this product and believe that your package contains something other then baking powder, please call Shufersal Customer Service at 1-800-68-68-68 to report the issue in further detail to a customer service agent.

Please share this post with anyone who will find it helpful!

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