Monday, August 22, 2016

Shop the sales!

In America, we used to get weekly circulars for all of our local stores delivered to the house - either as part of the weekend paper, or as a separate "ad pages" delivery.

This was amazingly convenient for planning my shopping trips. As you probably know by now, I'm a really price sensitive shopper. One of the ways I'd shop was to make sure I was shopping sales, and never buying something pricey at the last second because I'd run out. So if tuna was on sale for the right price - I'd stock up (for example). I'd make a point of going to whichever store(s) had the best sales each week, assuming they were within a reasonable distance.

Here, I find it harder to do this. BUT I do still check the sales before shopping.

Here's how to do that here in Israel - and the secret is the internet (I know, not much of a secret, is it?).

I go to the websites of the stores I'll be able to shop at, and check if there are any don't-miss sales. Of course, this is never perfect, as there are always other in store sales that are not advertised online, as well. But it certainly helps.
In order to stretch my grocery budget a little bit further, I use Snap In in addition to the few coupons I find, the sug bet rack, and searching for discounts and deals (and of course, cooking from scratch!). Click to find out more about Snap In!

Here are links to some of the country's popular supermarket chains that post weekly or monthly sales online:

Chatzi Chinam 

Co-op Shop

Eden Teva Market

Maayan 2000 

Machsanei Hashuk

Machsanei Lahav

Mega Ba'Ir

Nizat HaDuvdevan

Shuk Ha'Ir (they post sales circulars to their FB page)

Super Coffix (sign up to get coupons sent to your phone!)

Shufersal Deal



Yeinot Bitan 

Zol v'B'Gadol (they post sales circulars to their FB page)

I have not had luck locating online circulars for these stores:

Bar Kol  (sent an email asking to subscribe but delivery FAILED)


Osher Ad

Rami Levy 

Salei Zol


Yesh (they do not update their website)


If you've found any more helpful online circulars, please let me know!

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