Sunday, March 27, 2016

One month (a bit less) till Pesach - Pantry Challenge Week!

Since we have a month to go till Pesach, I decided it is HIGH time we get a move on using up our pantry/freezer stash.

So the plan for the week is to use whatever we can from the freezer! But I will buy fresh milk and fruits and vegetables.

We have all sorts of random foods to use up, so that's what we're doing.

What about you?

(Some things we have are single servings of salmon, pans of pasta, containers of soup, and I'm sure plenty of other foods I will find as I embark on my archaeology expedition!)

Let me know if you're also doing a pantry challenge!

(We will have fresh food for Shabbat, though, I'm reserving my pantry challenge for weekdays only at the moment)

I'd love to hear about your pantry challenge!

Tonight I found a couple of packages of gnocchi hanging out in the pantry, some fried fish, some corn shnitzels, and served that with some of the veggies/salads we had in the fridge.

Tomorrow, we'll have another surprise for supper, and I'm making tomato-rice soup for lunch, using leftover rice from Purim seudah.

1 comment:

  1. I'm planning on using up about 9 jars of various soups from the freezer over the next 2 weeks. Good luck woth your challenge!


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