I'm constantly on the lookout for ways to stretch our shekels, and over the last year or so, I've tried to plan far enough in advance for things that I can make a fair number of purchases on
Aliexpress. Most of what we buy in the store here comes from China in any case, so cutting out the middleman saves a lot of money.
Here is a quick sampling of the kinds of things we tend to buy from
I'd love to hear what you buy!
MicroSD card (great for expanding the memory on your phone!)
Gift bags (we got these small ones for a crafting project)
Food safe bags (for mishloach manot and other gifts)
Anti-nausea wrist bands (I've got a bunch of these in my bag and more in the car!)
Sun hats (I really need hats with visors in the summer!)
Sunglasses (especially the kind that fit over glasses!)
Purim Costumes
Craft Supplies &
Lego Compatible Specialty Figures
Computer Cables and the like
And many more things!
I highly recommend you
check out Aliexpress to help you save money!