Sunday, December 20, 2015

Menu for the Week

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It's time to plan out my weekly menu, so I took inventory and we're doing really fine with everything except fresh veggies.
So tomorrow I have to buy whatever vegetables I can find inexpensively!

So here's my tentative food plan:

Sunday night (we had): Red and Black Lentil and Sweet Potato Soup, Pita Pizzas, (Vegan Polenta "Pizza" for me)

Monday Night: Shabbat Leftovers

Tuesday Night (break the fast): Split Pea Soup, Baked Ziti, Freshly squeezed grapefruit juice (got a whole lot of grapefruits from a neighbor), Salad

Wednesday Night: Scrambled Eggs, Baked Potatoes, Salad

Thursday Night: All the leftovers from the week

Snacks will be popcorn, apples, carrot sticks, roasted chick peas, muffins from the freezer

Lunches will be Soups and Sandwiches

What's on your menu this week?


  1. I love that your menus are so simple and straight forward. You make it look so easy. When I plan you can be sure my daughter won't want it and demand something else.

    1. I have learned that if I keep it simple it's much easier! My kids pretty much know that what they get is what we have...


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