Time to plan my weekly supper menu, before we run into some crisis and the kids start bugging me to order pizza on a random night (they try that pretty frequently but I try not to give in...)!
So here's the plan. It might be a little boring, but I'm trying not to shop much this week:
Sunday night: Whole wheat pasta with tomato sauce and cheese, fresh vegetable sticks
Monday night: Shabbat leftovers
Tuesday night: Homemade dinner rolls or bagels (depends how much energy I have), cream cheese, mushroom-barley soup
Wednesday night: Black bean and tomato soup, baked potatoes, whatever fresh vegetables need to be used up.
Thursday night: Split pea soup, random leftovers from the week
Lunches will be leftovers or sandwiches or pancakes...
What's your plan for keeping your family fed for the week?