Not bad, but 105 shekels was a bit more than I'd planned to spend this week - I think that's because I was hungry when I was at the store and I got tempted by a sale! Oops.
So this Shabbat is a mostly use-up-what's in the house Shabbat menu.
I still have to go through the freezer a bit better to take a real inventory, but here's what I think we'll be eating:
Challah from the freezer
Butternut Squash Soup for Friday Night
Crock Pot Split Pea Soup for Lunch
Chicken Wings two ways - some roasted with Garlic and Herbs, and some baked in Honey-Ginger Garlic Sauce
Tofu in Honey-Ginger-Garlic Sauce for the vegetarian son
Rice with Roasted Garlic
Purple Cabbage Salad
Eggplant with Techina
Any fresh vegetables that are left
Dessert: Melon, Wheat-free chocolate chip squares
We'll also pop some popcorn, as usual, and we have some oranges for snacks too. Now that we've changed the clocks, it gets difficult to have a "real" seudah shlishit, so I'm not yet sure what we'll do about that.
What's doing at your place for Shabbat this week?