Do you plan your menus? I find that when I do, it's so much easier for me to make sure we have relatively healthy food to eat, and it minimizes my panicky trips to the makolet for emergency ingredients, since I plan my menus around the foods that are in my house already. Obviously, sometimes I have to switch things around, or I run out of time to cook, and we have to improvise, but the few minutes I spend planning is really worthwhile!
This way, also, when someone wants to know "What's for supper?" I can just nonchalantly say, "Check the blog!" instead of having to think about the answer...
So here's the plan this week:
Lunch (for the non fasters): PB&J sandwiches on whole wheat bread, red peppers and cucumbers
Supper: Tomato Soup with Black Beans and Rice, cut veggies and crackers with chumus, and watermelon
Lunch: Random Pareve and Dairy Leftover Shmorgasbord
Supper: Leftover Chicken, Cholent, Kugel, etc from Shabbat
Lunch: Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Salad
Supper: Spaghetti with tomato sauce and cheese, make your own salad
Lunch: Leftover Pasta and Salad
Supper: Baked Tuna Patties, smashed potatoes, carrot sticks
Lunch: PB&J sandwiches, whatever fruits and veggies need to be used up
Supper: Sloppy Sams on fresh rolls, oven fries, and make your own salad
This week I get to keep Shabbat super simple, as my pickiest customer heads off on a Shabbaton (good luck to him there, really...)!
Oh and snacks for the week will be popcorn, roasted chick peas, watermelon, and whatever other cheap fruits we find!
What's on your summer menu?
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