Thursday, May 21, 2015

Shabbat and Shavuot

Tomorrow night is Shabbat, and then we go straight into the Holiday we've been counting up to - Shavuot! Shavuot here in Israel is a mere one day long, and that means it is actually a drop too short (wait, not sure I should say that!). Some people have a tradition to stay up late into the night, or all night, learning Torah. That makes for some very tired people come morning.

In my house that means everything is topsy-turvy, and people choose to eat and sleep at various times throughout the day.

So my day meal plan needs to be very flexible... and accommodating for those of us who can't eat dairy, AND those of us who love to eat dairy! Should be interesting.

We're having guests for Shabbat lunch, so it's not overwhelming. We're really looking forward to this Shabbat and Shavuot!

Here's the plan:

For all meals - Fresh Homemade Whole Wheat and Oat Bran Challot (and rolls for Shavuot morning, so people can make hamotzi whenever they are ready)

Friday night:

Vegetable Soup
Roast chicken (not sure how I'm spicing this, I usually decide on the spot)
(and something for the vegetarian, not sure what)
Potato Kugel
Roasted Broccoli and Kohlrabi
Cabbage Salad
Vegetable sticks

Shabbat Lunch (us + 7 guests)

Vegetarian Liver
Cabbage Salad
Vegetable Sticks
Black Bean Cholent
Potato Kugel
Oven fried chicken
Apple Kugel
Roasted Broccoli and Kohlrabi
Whatever other vegetables I feel like cooking

Seudah Shlishit will be random snacks and baked goods

Shavuot Night

Macaroni and cheese
Non dairy Eggplant "parmesan" (with nutritional yeast instead of cheese)
Salmon (baked, with herbs and lemon)
Rice with roasted garlic 
Roasted Kishuim
Cherry Tomato and Avocado Salad (if I buy avocado)

Shavuot Lunch

leftovers from Shavuot night, as needed


Apple Muffins
Chocolate Chip Cake

NOW I need to get to work on this!
I am planning to give my kids a LOT of work today and tomorrow!

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