This means 2 things - we did have to do some shopping this week after all, but at least we took advantage of it and got a couple of 9 shekel/kg chickens (and promptly froze them, as whole chicken was not in my plans this week), and we'll be colder than we'd thought, as our heat doesn't work so well... one day we'll save enough to actually replace it with a better system for our first floor.
But we shouldn't be too cold! It's amazing how much the platta, when placed in the middle of the kitchen, warms the downstairs of our house. And we have nice, warm down comforters
But anyways, here's my cooking plan:
Challot (from the freezer)
Vegetable soup
Oven-fried shnitzel
Garlic and herb chicken wings
Tofu shnitzels for the vegetarian
Kugels from the freezer
Make your own salad
Black Bean Cholent
Dessert will be chocolate chip cake and cinnamon cake
And I don't know what Seudah Shlishit will be, but by the time Shabbat starts, I'll have something.
What's on your menu?
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