What are you serving for Shabbat?
I'm showcasing the organic zucchini I got (for cheaper than the regular kishuim at every store I checked), and organic corn on the cob I scored for 6 shekels/kg!
Fresh Challot (if I actually get around to making the dough, otherwise I have a few emergency loaves in the freezer
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Some sort of muffins
Friday night:
Vegetable soup with noodles
Spicy Roast Chicken
Oven-baked Rice
Corn on the Cob
Roasted Zucchini
Roasted Butternut Squash
Black Bean Cholent
Oven fried shnitzel
Corn on the Cob
Potato Kugel from the freezer
Cake (brought by guest)
Seudah Shlisheet:
Cucumber and Carrot sticks
Potato Salad
Pasta Salad
Apple Cake (from the freezer)
And now I must get to work!
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