Weekly menu planning time!
Sunday was Purim, a little bit crazy, but fun, and while we had a bit of sugar overload, I'm pleased to say we avoided the majority of the processed junk.
So we'll start the plan with Monday!
Monday: Lunch: seudah leftovers (lasagna, salads)
Supper: Shabbat leftovers
Tuesday: Lunch: Lentil soup, grilled cheese sandwiches, cucumbers
Supper: Roasted Kohlrabi, broccoli nuggets, rice
Wednesday: Lunch: lentil soup, corn bread, make your own salad
Supper: pasta, steamed kishuim (green squash)
Thursday: Lunch: baked potatoes with various toppings, ???
Supper: vegetable soup, leftovers from the week
What's on your menu this week? How far in advance do you plan your meals?
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