Time to plan my Shabbat menu! I think I need a cup of coffee and then I can do most of the work tonight.
Here's what I came up with after surveying what's in the house, since there is really no way I'll be going to a store tomorrow (do you go shopping on Friday, ever? If so, how do you make it all work?):
Fresh Whole Wheat and Oat Bran Challot
Vegetable Soup with noodles
Black Bean Cholent (for lunch)
Oven Fried Shnitzel
Potato Kugel
Spicy Roast Sweet Potatoes
Purple Cabbage Salad
Israeli Salad
Also making
Banana-Coconut Breakfast Cake, and my favorite
Coffee Cake. If I don't run out of time, I might make some
Chocolate Chip cookies, too. It's a long Friday night, and sometimes we need a snack besides popcorn!
At least, that's what I plan to make!
Hoping I can stay awake to cook now.
What are you making this Shabbat?