We are slowly getting more settled in our house. Each day we empty a few more boxes... unpacking is a VERY difficult task for me, as I need to ORGANIZE our things as they come out of boxes, and to be honest, I am organizationally challenged...
But Shabbat is coming so we get a break from all that! And this week it's just me and the kids (see why here), so I would really appreciate a low-stress Shabbat!
Here's the plan:
Homemade whole wheat and flaxseed challot
Spicy Roast Chicken
Roast vegetables - each in its own pan: summer squash a.k.a kishuim, beets, butternut squash, and potatoes
(maybe rice)
Israeli salad
Watermelon for dessert
I also made banana coconut oatmeal breakfast cake.
Seudah shlishit is pot-luck at the shul, to welcome new families (I guess that's us, among others). I plan to bring something... not sure yet what...
What's on your menu this week?
Shabbat Shalom
Good luck meeting the community at Seuda Shlishit. Shabbat Shalom.