Monday, August 19, 2013

Flights from Tel Aviv to N. America on sale!

Note: some people have reported difficulties with these links. I have updated them all, I hope they work now. Please let me know if you're still having trouble! 

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Ok, so a trip overseas is not exactly the least expensive activity I can think of...

But sometimes you just have to go. Whether it's for work or a family obligation, there are times you just have to go.

And it's expensive. I know, because we recently bought a ticket for my husband to go to New York and it cost us a LOT of money. Way more than I care to think about.

But if you know you need to go to New York or Toronto this winter, now's your chance to grab a ticket on El Al (yes, you can be patriotic to Israel's national airline) for less than $1000. It'll cost you $949, to be precise. Yes, that's a non-stop flight to N. America for less than a thousand dollars...

So go ahead, check if your date still has cheap seats available. This fare is valid for departures from Tel Aviv between November 1, 2013 and March 15, 2014.

And have a safe and fulfilling trip - and come back and tell me all about it!

If you're having trouble with the links above, please click below!
(you may need to disable your adblocker if you are still having trouble. thanks for understanding)


  1. Hi! I'm so sorry you are having trouble with the links! I just tested them and they are loading a bit slowly, but they do seem to be working. They are affiliate links, so they take an extra second or two to register with my affiliate service. I hope you'll be able to try again more successfully!

  2. Yeah, the link isn't working for me ... it keeps popping back to your website :(


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