Monday, March 4, 2013

Israeli food

Some of you live in Israel. And that's great! And some of you don't live here, at least not yet!

So if you live in the U.S. and you miss some Israeli products, I just stumbled across a website for you to shop at - !

I know there were times when I lived in the U.S. that I missed things that were quintessentially Israeli. And when we lived in S. Florida, it felt really warm and fuzzy to be able to go into one of the "Israeli" markets there and buy all sorts of products with labels in Hebrew! Not to mention just sending my then 10 yr old in with some money to pick up whatever was on my list, while the baby slept in the car! Not sure how that would have gone over at Publix, but at the Israeli store, they were totally fine with it!

(Although, now that I live in Israel, I have a whole other set of "I miss" products. I mostly miss health-foodie type products or junk-foodie type products that we used to get in the U.S...)

It's also perfect for those of you who live in the U.S., but don't have a great selection of kosher food available locally. They deliver all over the country! Could be JUST what you needed right before Pesach! (I remember when I was a child going with my parents on a 3 hr drive to the nearest city with enough of a Jewish community to have a substantial selection of specialized products for Pesach...)

I'd love to hear about it if you give it a try!

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