Thursday, January 31, 2013

Shabbat Menu (a.k.a. Where Did the Week Go?)

Every week just seems to fly right past! At least most family members appear to be on the mend, although now my oldest child has caught a cold. I'm hoping it doesn't aggravate HIS asthma...

So it's time to plan a Shabbat menu, you say?

Trying to keep it really simple.
I am figuring it all out, EXCEPT I asked my vegetarian son to go through one of my vegetarian cookbooks and choose a non-tofu dish for him to learn to make, and I will coach him through cooking it for Shabbat...

The rest of the menu is:

Vegetable soup with wild greens

Black bean cholent (for lunch)

Oven-fried chicken and oven-fried shnitzels

Potato Kugel

Butternut Squash Kugel (using the one butternut squash I have left and the pumpkin that's left)

Salad - tomatoes, cucumbers, red/yellow peppers, and scallions

Apple Crisp (we got lots of apples for free the other day. I ran out of oats for the topping, but I made it this week with wheat bran and there were NO complaints!)

Challot (from the freezer)

Chocolate Cake (from the freezer)


  1. Sounds great. I see apple crisp most weeks - I assume that's what we Brits call Apple Crumble? Shabbat Shalom and I wish all your sickies better. xx

    1. Thank you!
      I think apple crisp and apple crumble are similar, but they may not be exactly the same. I will see if I can find out.
      In any case, my girls LOVE it, and with all those free apples this week, how could I not indulge them?
      Shabbat Shalom!


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