Thursday, October 18, 2012

Price Wars in Modi'in

I am hearing rumors of a price war between Rami Levi and Shufersal in Modiin (in the Yeshpro Center?), with Mega joining in by lowering the price of chicken to 1.99/kg.

And Shufersal is selling cucumbers for 17 ag/kg, onions for 19 ag/kg, and tomatoes for 29 ag/kg?!

Has anyone seen this?

I won't be traveling to Modi'in to shop, but those of you around there, please confirm what I'm hearing!
It's ok, I'll live with the jealousy, and I will not hold it against you, don't worry.


  1. Wow, I could live on toms, cucs, pots, onions and chicken no problem.

    1. I know. even if it's short lived, a couple of weeks of this can save a large family some good money!

  2. Yes, it's true. Rami Levi opened in Modiin and the price wars started immediately. The lines are crazy, but they seem to have plenty of produce and chicken to keep restocking. Chazeh Of and kraying were also greatly reduced

  3. I was in the Shufersal this afternoon. Whole chickens for 2.99/kg and kirayim (thigh+leg) for 6.99/kg. No minimum you need to buy. Both limited to 4kg (each). Also onions for 0.19 ag, cucumbers for 0.09 ag, and tomatoes were also really cheap (less than a shekel). carrots also 0.19 ag.

    1. Amazing deals. Thanks for letting us know! Enjoy stocking up!

  4. Tomatoes were 29 agurot a kilo, and I heard they went down to 9 agurot! I only wish that you really could stock up on the veggies, but I definitely bought more than I usually did. Also sweet potatoe for 4 shekel a kilo! And I bought 8 kilo of chicken, intending to separate my order so I get the 4 shekel price, but I forgot when I got to the cashier. When I checked the bill, though, I was charged the 4 kilo for all the chickens.

    I hope this week brings more of the same....


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