Sunday, October 7, 2012

Little Challah Bakers

My girls wanted to take responsibility for our challot this week, so each braided 3 challot, and I made a bunch of rolls. This way we should be good to go not only for Shmini Atzeret (only one day in Israel, folks!), but we should be set for Shabbat too!

Here are the results!

These (to the right) were braided by my 7 year old. She REALLY wanted to learn how to braid a round challah, so I taught her that technique. She did it all herself though.

And these (to the left) were braided by my 4 year old, with a bit of help from her big sister.

Lookin' good, I think!

Chag Sameyach Everyone! Even though I really do love chag, I am looking forward to seeing you on the other side, when we can start to get back to some sort of normal life!


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