Sunday, July 1, 2012

Follow this blog!

Like this blog? Then show some love and follow me on Google reader! I only have 29 followers to date using that count, but SO many more daily hits than that would imply!
Don't miss out - just follow me!

Thanks for showing your love!


  1. How do you follow? Do you mean subscribe? There's an error message under followers on your page

    1. Oh, blogger is messing with me again. I will have to get that fixed. Thanks for mentioning it. I thought it was resolved.

  2. If you put the google friends widget on the sidebar I'd be happy to join. As I couldn't find it I just pasted your URL onto my blogger blog list.

    1. I put it there but it seems to be broken. I asked blogger to fix it, but in the process of trying to fix it myself, I messed up my whole blog. I am so annoyed...

  3. so blogger messed up. followers aren't working on the domains for now, but they ARE working if you check the domain! really annoying. In any case I am seriously trying to be brave enough to buy my own domain name...

    1. I can help you buy and set up a domain, at very low prices!

    2. yes. i believe your wages are referred to as "room and board".


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