Thursday, June 7, 2012

Shabbat Menu planning

I must get a move on my cooking!
It's time to make Shabbat, again!
Here goes:

Fruit Salad

Baked-Fried Chicken

Cholent (for Lunch)

Roasted Kishuim (summer squash)

Vegetable-Noodle Kugel - whole wheat egg noodles, cooked and drained. Mix with whatever shredded veggies you want - I have summer squash and carrots, and a tiny amount of frozen spinach. Also planning to add in pan-roasted diced onion. The add 3 eggs, salt, pepper, and whatever seasonings you love best. Bake in a deep casserole dish for about 1 hour at 190 C

Some undetermined Potato dish

Make your own Salad

Homemade Challot

Oatmeal-Chocolate Chip Cookies

Molasses Cookies

Banana Bread (with coconut or maybe not...)

What am I forgetting?


  1. Changed your mind about having guests for lunch? (No, i will not give it up.)

    1. groan.

      we are having guests OVER for lunch. we do not eat the guests. And we do not scare little children by telling them we eat the guests. got it?


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