Thursday, February 2, 2012

Shabbat Menu

Parashat B'Shalach

I'm probably taking on too much for this Shabbat - it's already after 8 pm on Thursday night! Hopefully I can get this all done without staying up all night!

Here goes:

Homemade Challot

Vegetable Soup (Friday night)

Vegetarian Cholent (lunch)

Chicken in Ginger-Honey-Soy Sauce (our new favorite. Just combine soy sauce with honey (1:1 ratio) and add powdered garlic, powdered ginger, and ground black pepper. Marinade chicken in this sauce for at least half an hour before baking. You could be more authentic and use fresh garlic and ginger if you prefer. I just don't have the time today...)

Roasted Beets

Roasted Cauliflower (I still had a head of cauliflower hanging around the back of the fridge from the last time I found it for a great price. Time to use it up!)

Broccoli Kugel (yup, I got some broccoli on sale!)

Carrot Kugel from freezer

Chocolate Cake

Phew! Hope I won't be writing an addendum to this at 3 a.m... Hopefully I can get this done QUICKLY. I don't want to cook much tomorrow... (although I do plan to bake the challot in the morning)

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