Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's that time of the day again - when I must figure out what's for supper. I wish I could say my kids are all happily playing and learning but that would only be a half-truth. A couple of them are spending their time fighting... so I'm having a hard time focusing on any tasks at hand.

I think tonight's menu will look something like this:

Carrot muffins (I got carrots last week for a great price)

Red lentil soup (onions, garlic, sliced carrots, red lentils, vegetable stock, and seasonings)

Make your own salad: Avocados (found them for a great price last week), Red peppers, Tomatoes, and whatever other salad-worthy vegetables I find (I think there is still some purple cabbage in the fridge!)

I can't decide if this is enough, or not. If everyone eats the soup I think it will be fine, as it's a thick, filling, nutritious soup. If someone doesn't - well I guess they'll have to figure something out!

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