Friday, November 25, 2011

Shabbat Parashat Toldot, Nov 25-26, 2011

Shabbat is so early this week! I kind of already posted my Shabbat menu when I posted my Thanksgiving menu but I'll give a quick recap and a few adjustments!

Here's what I made:

Fresh Challot

Lentil-vegetable soup (Fri. nite)

Lentil stew (in the crock pot, for lunch)

Turkey legs

Pomegranate chicken


Stuffed peppers

Grilled Fennel

Roast Potatoes

Breaded eggplant with tomato sauce


Citrus Fruit salad

Chocolate Chip Cake

Want recipes? Leave me a note.
Shabbat Shalom!


  1. I bought fennel on sale in Mega because you mentioned it.. but I don't know what to do with it.. I don't like it that much to tell you the truth... ideas please

  2. I grilled it. it is very mild when grilled. tastes yummy.
    I have also heard it is delicious when stir-fried.
    I will try to post more ideas on Sunday.

  3. Good - it is still in fridge - did not do anything with it. Shabbat Shalom


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