Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday Night, March 15, 2011

Sorry for not posting for a couple of days. Life got in the way. My computer has been turned into the telephone - it's they way we communicate with friends and family overseas - webcam and magicjack - and it's hard to find time to just write. It's been especially busy the last couple of days...

In addition, I have been feeling seriously burned out. Not just cooking burnout, just plain burnout. Sometimes life gets like that. Trying to figure out ways to recharge without actually abandoning my children...


Anyhow, here's the supper plan for tonight:

Pitot with vegetarian taco filling
Potato Bourekas (working on the freezer cleanout)
Artichokes (that's what happens when my younger 3 children accompany me to the store. they see artichokes and start dancing. isn't that nuts? not exactly frugal but they were a lot less expensive than last time I saw them - only 8NIS/kilo - so I bought them. at least they weren't begging for candy!)

A bit of a hodge-podge menu, I admit, but everyone ate happily, which was the goal. When my hubby gets back from his trip, I'll have to re-start the "organized" menus...

Have a good day!


  1. My kids love artichokes - but I usually only buy them at around 5 NIS a kilo - having said that they are so labour intensive it keeps them quiet for a while when they eat them...

  2. @Janice - Love it!
    (And thanks for the tip that they'll go down in price still. Still learning the pricing structure here! I knew 14NIS/kilo was high, but I wasn't sure if 8 was high or not. 5 sounds awesome!)


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