Friday, March 11, 2011

Shabbat Parashat VaYikra (March 11-12)

I am working with my children to clean up and organize around the house, and in keeping with my Pre-Pesach plan, I pulled out a variety of foods from the freezer!

So here's what we're having for Shabbat:

Friday night:
Vegetable -Barley Soup
Carrot Kugel
Mushroom-Noodle Kugel
Roasted Potatoes

Shabbat Lunch:
Stew (whatever I throw together in the crockpot)
Hummus and Vegetables
Cheese Bourekas
Cauliflower Kugel
Ice Cream (my children have decided that ice cream trumps all!)

A little haphazard, I admit, but this helps with my freezer cleanout, and I don't have to cook all night or all day!

Shabbat Shalom everyone!


  1. You are amazing. All I found in the freezer was challah and chicken soup! Have a nice Shabbat.

  2. oh yes, i found challah too. forgot to write that!
    Shabbat Shalom! (BTW - I purposely stock the freezer so I can do this from time to time. It just makes life easier for me...)


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